
EHX Pitch Fork + Polyphonic Pitch-shifter and Harmonizer pedal! $199

The EHX Pitchfork+ is a versatile pitch-shifting pedal from Electro-Harmonix that builds on the original Pitchfork design, offering enhanced features and expanded control options. Known for its ability to shift pitch up or down over a wide range of intervals, the Pitchfork+ allows musicians to create harmonies, octave effects, and experimental sounds with precision. With two independent pitch-shifting engines, advanced polyphonic capabilities, and the ability to save presets, the Pitchfork+ is ideal for guitarists, bassists, and experimental musicians looking to explore creative pitch manipulation.


Dual Pitch-Shifting Engines: The Pitchfork+ features two independent pitch-shifting engines, each capable of shifting pitch up or down by up to three octaves. This allows for complex harmonies and layered pitch effects that can be adjusted individually for maximum flexibility.
11 Pitch Intervals: Each pitch-shifting engine can be set to one of 11 different intervals, ranging from minor seconds to perfect fifths and octaves. This broad range of intervals allows for everything from subtle harmonies to dramatic, multi-octave shifts.
Advanced Polyphony: The pedal offers polyphonic pitch shifting, meaning it can handle complex chords and multi-note playing without glitching, making it ideal for players who need smooth, natural-sounding pitch manipulation.
Presets and Memory: The Pitchfork+ includes 100 memory slots for saving and recalling custom pitch-shifting settings. This is perfect for live performances, where musicians can quickly switch between different pitch effects and harmonies.
Expression Pedal and MIDI Control: An expression pedal input allows real-time control over pitch, glissando speed, or volume. Additionally, MIDI functionality gives users external control over parameters, allowing for deeper integration into more complex setups.
Glide Function: The Pitchfork+ features a glide control, which determines the speed of the pitch shift between two notes, allowing for smooth, portamento-like transitions. This adds an expressive, legato feel to pitch shifts, perfect for adding texture to leads and experimental sounds.
Detune Mode: In addition to standard pitch-shifting, the Pitchfork+ offers a detune mode, which creates a subtle pitch shift for chorus-like modulation effects, adding thickness and richness to the sound.


Precise Pitch Shifting: The Pitchfork+ delivers accurate and smooth pitch-shifting, making it ideal for musicians looking to add harmonies or octave effects without introducing digital artifacts or glitches.
Rich Harmonic Layers: With two independent pitch engines, the Pitchfork+ can create thick, harmonized sounds by combining multiple intervals, adding depth and complexity to your playing.
Experimental and Expressive: The glide function and expression pedal input allow for more experimental uses, such as sweeping between notes and creating portamento effects, while the detune mode offers subtle chorus-like modulation for richer, fuller sounds.


Live Performance: The Pitchfork+ is ideal for live musicians who want quick access to multiple pitch-shifting settings. With its preset memory and expression pedal control, it’s easy to switch between harmonies, octaves, or experimental sounds during a performance.
Studio Recording: The pedal’s precise pitch-shifting and wide range of intervals make it an excellent tool for adding harmonies, octave doubling, or unique effects in the studio. Its polyphonic capabilities ensure that even complex chords are handled smoothly.
Experimental and Ambient Music: Musicians in experimental genres will appreciate the Pitchfork+’s ability to create non-traditional sounds, from slow gliding pitch shifts to otherworldly harmonics. The pedal’s versatility and range make it a powerful tool for crafting atmospheric textures.


Compact and Durable: The Pitchfork+ is housed in a compact, durable metal chassis, making it suitable for both studio use and the rigors of live performance.
User-Friendly Interface: The pedal’s layout is intuitive, with clearly labeled controls for each pitch engine, glide, and interval settings. The addition of an LED display makes it easy to navigate through presets and settings on stage.


The EHX Pitchfork+ is well-regarded for its versatility and advanced pitch-shifting capabilities, making it a valuable addition to any pedalboard. While not a rare or limited-edition pedal, its robust feature set and dual-engine design ensure it holds its value on the used market. The Pitchfork+ is a popular choice among guitarists, bassists, and experimental musicians for its precise pitch-shifting, MIDI functionality, and ability to create complex, harmonized sounds.

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