
When Doom is Life, summon the Earthquaker Devices Sunn O))) LifePedal V2 Octave Fuzz for only $399!

The EarthQuaker Devices Sunn O))) LifePedal V2 is a collaboration with the band Sunn O))) to create a heavy distortion pedal. Here are the general specifications for the EarthQuaker Devices Sunn O))) LifePedal V2:

  • Effect Type: Distortion/ Fuzz Pedal
  • Controls: Typically includes knobs for controlling Gain, Tone, and Level
  • Switches: Offers different modes or features like boost options
  • Construction: Durable metal chassis designed for rugged use
  • Power: Typically requires a standard 9V DC power supply
  • Footswitch: True bypass footswitch for on/off control
  • Design: Custom artwork and branding inspired by the collaboration with Sunn O)))

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