
Squeezy Peasy! 80s Ibanez BP10 Bass Compressor, $119!

The Ibanez BP10 Bass Compressor/Limiter pedal is part of Ibanez’s classic Power Series from the 1980s, designed specifically for bass players who want to control their dynamics and achieve a more balanced sound. The BP10 helps to smooth out the peaks and valleys of a bass signal, ensuring a consistent output whether you’re playing softly or aggressively. It’s a straightforward, reliable tool for bassists seeking to enhance their tone without sacrificing dynamics or clarity.

Key Features:

  • Effect Type: Bass Compressor/Limiter – The BP10 combines compression and limiting to control the dynamic range of your bass signal, preventing unwanted peaks and maintaining a more consistent output.
  • Controls:
    • Level: Adjusts the overall output volume of the pedal, allowing you to compensate for any gain loss caused by the compression.
    • Attack: Controls how quickly the compressor reacts to the incoming signal. A faster attack time will clamp down on peaks more quickly, while a slower attack lets more of the initial transient through.
    • Threshold: Sets the level at which the compressor starts to engage. Lower settings compress the signal more aggressively, while higher settings result in more subtle compression.
  • Compression: The BP10 provides smooth, transparent compression tailored for bass, helping to even out playing dynamics. It keeps loud notes under control while bringing out quieter notes, resulting in a tighter, more polished sound.
  • Limiter: The built-in limiter prevents the bass signal from exceeding a certain level, ensuring that your output remains consistent without unwanted distortion or clipping.

Aesthetic and Build Quality:

The Ibanez BP10 has a classic 1980s Power Series design, featuring a durable, compact plastic enclosure in a distinctive green finish. While the pedal’s housing is not as rugged as some modern metal enclosures, the BP10 is known for its reliability and solid construction. The layout is simple, with three easily accessible control knobs for adjusting compression and output.

Sound Profile:

The BP10 excels at delivering transparent compression without overly coloring the natural tone of your bass. The pedal is designed to maintain low-end clarity while providing smooth, consistent dynamics. It works well with both active and passive basses, offering a controlled, punchy tone that can enhance everything from slap bass to fingerstyle playing.

  • Subtle Compression: At lower settings, the BP10 provides a more transparent effect, gently smoothing out the bass signal without overly compressing the natural dynamics of the instrument.
  • Tighter Compression: At higher settings, the pedal can deliver more noticeable compression, ideal for controlling aggressive playing styles or adding sustain to bass notes.


  • Live Performance: The BP10 is particularly useful for bassists in live settings, where controlling dynamics is essential. It helps to prevent extreme peaks that could overwhelm the mix while keeping quieter notes audible and punchy.
  • Recording: In the studio, the BP10 ensures that your bass track remains consistent in the mix, especially when switching between different playing techniques.
  • Slap and Funk Bass: For slap bass players, the BP10 helps control the sharp attacks of the slap and pop technique, resulting in a smoother and more even output.

Country of Manufacture:

  • Japan: The Ibanez BP10 was manufactured in Japan during the 1980s, a time when Ibanez was producing high-quality, reliable pedals that have since become sought after by collectors and musicians alike.

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