
Mutable Instruments Braids Macro Oscillator, $159!

The Mutable Instruments Braids is a digital macro oscillator module designed for Eurorack modular synthesizers. It is highly versatile, offering a wide variety of synthesis models and sound generation options in a single, compact module. Known for its exceptional sound quality and deep synthesis capabilities, Braids is ideal for musicians and sound designers looking for a powerful, all-in-one sound source capable of producing everything from classic analog-style tones to complex digital textures.


Multiple Synthesis Models: Braids offers over 40 different synthesis models, including classic waveforms (sine, saw, square), FM synthesis, wavetable synthesis, physical modeling, formant synthesis, and more. This wide variety allows for diverse sound creation, from vintage analog-style tones to cutting-edge digital sounds.
Built-In Quantizer: Braids features a built-in quantizer, which locks pitch changes to musical scales. This makes it easy to create melodically accurate sequences without the need for an external quantizer.
Timbre and Color Controls: Each synthesis model has two primary control parameters: Timbre and Color. These controls allow for deep sound manipulation within each model, offering a wide range of sonic possibilities without the need for additional modulation sources.
Internal Envelope and VCA: Braids includes an internal envelope generator and voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA), making it a self-contained sound source that can be played without the need for external modulation or envelope generators.
High-Quality Digital Oscillator: Despite being a digital module, Braids is known for its high fidelity and rich, full sound, which can rival analog oscillators in terms of warmth and presence.


Highly Versatile: With its extensive collection of synthesis models, Braids is capable of producing a broad range of sounds, from warm, analog-style oscillations to complex digital tones. Its ability to cover everything from simple waveforms to detailed physical modeling makes it a go-to module for those who need flexibility in their sound design.
Rich and Dynamic: Thanks to the Timbre and Color controls, Braids can add subtle to extreme variations in sound, allowing users to dial in everything from smooth, evolving textures to aggressive, gritty tones. This dynamic range makes it suitable for a wide array of musical styles.
Crisp Digital Quality: While some synthesis models offer analog-style warmth, others embrace the digital nature of the module, providing sharp, precise, and futuristic sounds perfect for electronic and experimental music.


Versatile Sound Design: Braids is perfect for sound designers who need access to a wide range of synthesis methods in a single module. Its numerous models make it useful for everything from analog-style basslines to evolving pads, FM leads, and glitchy digital effects.
Live Performance: With its self-contained design, built-in VCA, and quantizer, Braids is an excellent choice for live performance, offering a range of sounds and easy setup with minimal patching.
Experimental and Electronic Music: Musicians working in genres such as ambient, experimental, and electronic music will appreciate Braids’ ability to generate unique, cutting-edge tones and textures.


Compact and Solid: Braids is built with high-quality components and a durable metal faceplate, ensuring that it can withstand the demands of live performance and regular use in a studio environment. Despite its powerful capabilities, it maintains a compact design that fits easily into most Eurorack setups.
User-Friendly Interface: The clear layout of the Braids module, with dedicated knobs for Timbre, Color, and frequency control, makes it easy to navigate the wide array of synthesis models and quickly access the desired sound.


The Mutable Instruments Braids has a strong reputation in the Eurorack community for its versatility, sound quality, and ease of use. Although it was discontinued in 2017 and replaced by the more advanced Plaits module, Braids remains highly sought after on the used market due to its comprehensive feature set and flexibility. As a result, it holds significant value among collectors and musicians who appreciate its wide range of synthesis capabilities. Its enduring popularity ensures that it remains a valuable and sought-after module in the modular synth world.

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