
Marshall Model 4001 Studio 15! 15 Watt, 6V6 tube circuitry, non original 12” Celestion G12-65 speaker🤌✨ Only $1199

The Marshall 4001 Studio 15 is a compact tube amplifier designed for studio use, produced during the mid-1980s. Known for its unique blend of classic Marshall tone and portability, this amp has gained a reputation for its rich, creamy sound and practicality.

Key Features:

  • Power Output: 15 watts
  • Tube Configuration:
    • Preamp tubes: 2 x ECC83 (12AX7)
    • Power tubes: 2 x 6V6
  • Speaker: Built-in 12-inch Celestion G12 Vintage 30 speaker
  • Controls:
    • Gain
    • Master Volume
    • Treble
    • Middle
    • Bass
    • Presence
  • Inputs/Outputs:
    • Two inputs (High and Low sensitivity)
    • Effects loop (Send and Return)
    • Line out for direct recording or external amplification
    • Built-in attenuation switch (reduces output for lower volume settings)


  • Cabinet: Compact and portable with traditional Marshall aesthetics
  • Covering: Black Tolex with a gold piping and a gold Marshall logo

Sound Characteristics:

  • The 4001 Studio 15 is known for its warm and dynamic tone, capable of producing classic Marshall crunch and overdrive at manageable volume levels.
  • The amp’s lower wattage and 6V6 power tubes provide a smoother, more compressed sound compared to higher-wattage Marshall amps, making it ideal for recording and small venue performances


  • Ideal for studio recording, practice, and small gigs.
  • Its portable size and built-in attenuation feature make it versatile for home use without sacrificing the iconic Marshall sound.

Notable Users: While not as widely used by famous artists as some other Marshall models, the 4001 Studio 15 has been appreciated by guitarists looking for classic Marshall tones in a more manageable and recording-friendly package.


The Marshall 4001 Studio 15 is a cherished piece of gear for those who value vintage Marshall tones in a compact and versatile amplifier. Its features make it a favourite among studio musicians and those who require high-quality sound without excessive volume.

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