
Hot seller! Strymon El Capistan dTape Echo pedal, $299!

Overview: The Strymon El Capistan is a high-end tape echo pedal that emulates the classic sound of vintage tape echo machines. Designed to provide rich, detailed, and authentic tape echo sounds, the El Capistan offers a wide range of controls and features, making it a favorite among guitarists and musicians seeking versatile and high-quality delay effects.

Key Features:

  • Tape Echo Emulation:
    • Three Echo Machines: Fixed, multi-head, and single-head echo machine modes, each with unique characteristics
    • Tape Age: Adjustable tape age control to emulate the sound of worn or new tape
    • Wow & Flutter: Modulation controls to emulate the natural imperfections of analog tape machines
  • Controls:
    • Time: Adjusts the delay time
    • Mix: Controls the blend between the dry signal and the delayed signal
    • Tape Age: Adjusts the tonal character of the repeats from bright to dark
    • Repeats: Sets the number of delay repeats
    • Wow & Flutter: Adds modulation to the delay for a more organic sound
    • Mode: Selects between fixed, multi-head, and single-head tape modes
    • Secondary Functions: Additional parameters accessible through a secondary function mode, including tape bias, low-end contour, and more
  • Design and Construction:
    • Enclosure: Rugged metal housing designed for durability
    • Footswitches: Two footswitches for bypass/engage and tap tempo functionality
    • LED Indicators: Bright LEDs to indicate the status of the pedal and tap tempo
  • Connectivity:
    • Inputs: Stereo 1/4″ inputs for mono or stereo operation
    • Outputs: Stereo 1/4″ outputs for mono or stereo operation
    • Expression Pedal Input: Allows for real-time control of parameters via an external expression pedal
    • Power Supply: 9V DC power supply

Sound Characteristics:

  • Authentic Tape Echo: Provides a highly detailed and authentic replication of vintage tape echo machines
  • Versatile Delay: Capable of producing a wide range of delay sounds, from subtle slapback to extensive ambient soundscapes
  • Organic Modulation: Wow & Flutter controls add natural modulation to the delay, mimicking the characteristics of aging tape


  • Genres: Suitable for rock, blues, jazz, ambient, shoegaze, and any genre where high-quality tape echo is beneficial
  • Usage: Ideal for live performances, studio recordings, and creative sound design

Notable Users:

  • Rock: John Mayer, known for his expressive and dynamic guitar tones, has used the El Capistan to achieve rich tape echo sounds.
  • Ambient: Kevin Shields of My Bloody Valentine, a pioneer of the shoegaze genre, utilizes tape echo for creating immersive soundscapes.
  • Experimental: Nels Cline of Wilco, known for his adventurous guitar work, incorporates the El Capistan for its versatile delay capabilities.

The Strymon El Capistan is a top-tier tape echo pedal that delivers authentic and versatile tape delay sounds. With its extensive controls, robust build quality, and high-fidelity sound, the El Capistan is an excellent choice for musicians seeking a reliable and flexible tape echo solution. Whether used in live performances, studio recordings, or for creative sound design, this pedal provides the rich, detailed echoes that have made vintage tape machines legendary.

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